Forestry Mulching
Brush Control & Specialty Repairs
Clearing & Mulching
Mulch-In-Place Service
Brush Control & Tree Removal
Hillside & Ditch Clearing
Green Waste Grinding
Large Acerage Projects
Small Building Demolition
Deadfall Disposal
Groundcover Removal
Vegetation Management
Defensible Space Management
Remote Repair Services
Concrete Work
Welding Repairs
Foundation Repairs
Boulder Breaking & Removal
Gates, Culverts, Towers
We Go Where Repair Trucks Can't

What We're About
We specialize in offering unique land clearing, firebreak cutting, and property repair services. We have two machines in one!
Do You Want to Save Money? using extremely versatile and specialized machines, as well as having no large crew. This keeps a very low overhead, we pass the savings on to our clients.
How We Beat the Competition: By working alone with special equipment and not needing workmen's compensation insurance, we can outperform the competition on many levels. All in order to maximize savings that we pass on to you!
Give Us A Chance To Beat The Others:
Let GlobalTech's "Price Match" option compare to the others. We will usually substantially beat the competition's prices.
Ask How - Getting 3 Quotes is the recomended process for any construction project. I ask that you contact me after you have them in hand, we can go over them, and see if I can save you some money. You will be very surprised.
Our Client Base:
Commercial, Residential, Municipal & Governmental
Our Background: Being owned and operated by a seasoned and experienced general contractor with dozens of years of equipment operation, grading, clearning, landscaping, pools, ponds, welding, concrete and construction knowledge give GlobalTech a distinct skill, experience, and pricing advantage in this specialized industry.
Ownership - Mike Morris, the owner of Globaltech has extensive brush clearing, heavy equipment operator, and structural welding repair experience. He works with a specialized team of seasoned builders, engineers, architects, and dozens of other highly skilled associates as needed.
As an engineering repair team, they're able to handle all types of property, and utility infrastructure maintenance, even the most complicated clearing and repair situations that may arise.
CA #744217
B-General Contractor
C-27 Landscape, C-29 Mason
(858) 518-5609
What We Do
We Make Problems Go Away !
Our focus is on clearing brush and cutting back firebreaks.
If Repairs Come Up - We Quote & Fix them.
We Mulch - In - Place
- Forestry Mulching
- Brush Management
- Overgrowth Removal
- Weed Abatement
- Stump Removal
- Ranch and Farm Support
- Land Management
- Hillside and Ditch Maintenance
Remote Location Repairs
Concrete and Welding
Roads and Foundations